How do you collect a saliva sample?

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saliva collector

The emergence of the epidemic has affected people’s life. Cities need to upgrade to a better level of care, and the speed of medical services needs to be greatly accelerated. Consumers will pay more attention to the quality of providing a safe experience and personal health quality, while products with technical processes are more popular. The genetic testing used by saliva collectors can helpful for clinical diagnosis. It is used to collect saliva samples at room temperature and store them in the mouth.

The saliva collector consists of collecting funnel, a funnel cap, collecting tube, and collecting tube cap. The funnel cap contains the cell preserving solution sealed by a plastic sealing film. The collecting funnel is installed on the collecting tube and saliva is sprayed into the collecting funnel until the saliva reaches the filling line position of the collecting tube. Hold the collection tube vertically with one finger and close the funnel lid firmly with one hand; the cell preservation solution in the lid will automatically be released into the collecting tube and mixed with the saliva. Hold the collecting pipe vertically, and rotate it slightly to separate it from the collecting funnel. After screwing on the collecting tube cover, gently shake it for 5 seconds.

The DNA is extracted not from the saliva itself, but from it. Exfoliated cells are contained in the saliva. Therefore, when collecting saliva samples, please try to scrape your teeth with your tongue while scraping your upper and lower jaws several times to ensure the number of exfoliated cells. Thirty minutes before sampling, it is recommended to. Avoid eating, drinking, smoking, and other behaviors that affect the success rate of sampling. Sampling is the first thing in the morning, preferably before brushing your teeth, in order to ensure the success of sampling.

saliva collector

Many genetic diseases show similar symptoms, which are difficult to treat clinically. Molecular diagnosis of diseases at the genetic level through genetic testing to identify the true causative gene can assist clinicians in making accurate diagnoses. Of diseases and sometimes even correct certain clinical errors or ambiguous diagnoses. The saliva collector uniformly mixes the collected saliva with the preservation solution to ensure the integrity of DNA in saliva samples and the safe delivery of the testing end. Good preservation of the saliva collector is an important prerequisite for the test to be carried out. Saliva sample collection is a method to obtain harmless and painless DNA/RNA testing. This method will not bring any discomfort to the collectors, and it is easily accepted by people. The sampling rate of genetic research can be maximized.

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