Scientific use of disposable blood collection needle

The disposable blood collection needle has the characteristics of sharp needle tip and simple operation. It is used for blood inspection, testing and sampling.
What are the precautions for PCR experiment operation?

Although residual contamination of amplified sequences is mostly the cause of false positive reactions, cross-contamination between samples is also one of the reasons.
Suitable conditions for cell culture

What environmental factors and nutritional conditions need to be paid attention to in cell culture?
Indications and contraindications for laryngeal masks

The laryngeal mask is an artificial airway and a special type of ventilation tube. It has the advantages of good tolerance.
What is the difference between flocking swabs, sponge swabs, and ordinary cotton swabs?

What is the difference between flocking swabs, sponge swabs, and ordinary cotton swabs?
Classification of laboratory test tubes

How to buy the laboratory test tubes you want, before you need to know the classification of laboratory test tubes to facilitate the purchase.
Comparison of the usage of ELISA plate, culture plate, PCR plate, and deep well plate.

Comparison of usage of ELISA plate, culture plate, PCR plate and deep well plate
Magnetic rod sleeve application

During the nucleic acid extraction experiment, the magnetic rod is protected from pollution and the service life of the magnetic rod is prolonged.
What is the difference between pipette disinfection and sterilization?

In the pipette industry, the concepts of disinfection and sterilization are often used interchangeably, but in fact, there are certain differences between the two
What is the difference between a cell culture plate and an ELISA plate?

Cell culture plates are mainly used for culturing cells, and the enzyme labeling plate is mainly used for protein detection after ELISA reaction.